How To Manage Users and Groups

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GitLab gives you the tools to manage projects, users, and groups from one screen. Access it by clicking the "Admin area" button in the top-right corner:

Admin area button.png

The interface is divided into six sections:

*Create a New User

       Let's start by creating a demonstration user that we can use later. Click on the "New User" button in the middle column:

New user button.png

       click the "Create User" button at the bottom:

Create user.png

      You will be taken to the new user's account page. An email with an initial password will be sent to the account email.

*Create a New Group

       Click on the "Admin area" button again in the top-right corner. Click the "New Group" button in the right column:

New group button.png

       The only thing you need to do to create a group is fill out a name and description. Click the "Create group" button:

Create group.png

       Search for the second username in the box titled "Add user(s) to the group:". You will need to choose an access level for the user as well. For an explanation of the different permission levels available on your GitLab, go here:
       For now, it doesn't matter which level you choose. Click "Add users into group" to add their access:

Add users.png

        If you would like to change a user's permission level, you can add the user again with the new permissions. It will update accordingly.


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